A squealing good time

Hudson woke up about 7:50 this morning,  and before anything else I decided we might as well feed Rook, the chocolate lab.   Rook gets fed at 8 and 5 and his stomach is equipped  with an alarm clock in it, so he was already giving me the eye.   So off Hudson and I went, down the hall, with Rook eagerly going on ahead.   Before we even reached the 90 degree turn in the hall that ends in the laundry room, Hudson was shrieking and squealing in my ear.   He LOVES to watch Rook eat.    Who knew something like that would give a baby such pleasure and result in such noises of glee?   Too bad the entire process from beginning to end takes about 90 seconds.

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1 Response to A squealing good time

  1. Alicia says:

    haha he sure does love to feed the dog!! if I’m with him and brandon goes to feed rook, as soon as Hudson hears the dog food hit the dish, he drops what he’s doing and takes off down the hall in full crawling-speed to watch the action

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